God’s Really Big Truck

I have a big truck. And my most cherished memories in it involve my son Chase.

As a young boy, he loved riding shotgun with me. Whenever I headed for the truck, he’d jump in, pull up the console that separated driver from passenger, and slide right next to me. Arm against arm. Leg against leg. Excited and expectant for wherever we’d go together.

He never once asked me if I had directions for where we were going. Or enough gas in the tank or enough dollars in my pocket. He had total trust that his dad was prepared for whatever we’d face. A perfect trip for him was simply that we were together—not where we went or whether we’d make it to our destination without a flat tire.

There is such freedom in this posture. If he were just joining me to get something for himself, the reward would require some condition be met. But when the goal is being together, the reward is guaranteed every time. Just because he doesn’t have other expectations, that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t surprise him by taking him out for ice cream or to play his favorite sport. As his father, I know the desires of his heart and I love to delight him. Yet even then, the gift was never more important than the intimacy of being together.

During those years, Chase would often say: “I don’t care what we do as long as we do it together.”

And you know what? For every trip, my son’s success ratio was 100 percent. Because no matter what the twists and turns of the journey were, he achieved his desire. To be with his father.

That’s the posture we need to take with God. He has a really big truck and loves when we join him for the journey. Especially when, as we hop in, we say: “I don’t care what we do as long as we do it together.”

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No Faith Needed at the Victory Party


The Story of With