Journal of Expectancy

Imagine receiving a hand-crafted leather journal with this note:

“This is your adventure journal for our times together. Have fun. Love, God.”

It’s not simply a book of blank pages. It’s a promise of coming adventures with God.

Over time, pages will be filled with stories of all the two of you did together. Of daring rescues. Of surprising times of delight. Of questions yet to be answered. Pages stained with tears of sorrow and thanksgiving. Moments of wonder and awe. All together like images in a slideshow.

In this way, the journal will provide strength when the enemy tries to convince you that you’re all alone. You’ll immediately be able to counter the lie because before you is the Story of your journey with God. Of all the ways that you were—and are—never alone.

Those bold enough to carry a blank journal wherever they go reveal a heart of expectancy. Be that rare person. No matter where you are, you’re ready to jot down a question or idea to pursue with him. Or to hear what God has to say. No matter how busy life is, your journal and pen serve as an act of defiance to a world that no longer believes God speaks to his sons and daughters.  

It shows you are ready to enjoy God’s presence anytime, anywhere. And because of that, you will.

“When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” (Jeremiah 29:13 MSG)

Want more? Order your copy of The Story of With today!


The Story of With


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