The Sign of Your Creativity

If you posted your creativity on a sign in your front yard, would it reveal more about what you're drawn to...or oppose? 

A recent walk through my neighborhood revealed the power of this question. There were a variety of signs in yards. Some for a local mayor race. Some congratulating a high school graduate. A few noted which security company protected their home.  

But the one that caught my attention most featured the silhouette of a dog squatting with a big ‘X” through it. The message was clear. Of anything the homeowner could communicate, they chose to state their absolute opposition to dogs relieving themselves in their yard.

Think about it. They erected a permanent picture in their yard of the very thing they most didn't want in their yard. It’s the image that everyone walking by associates with their yard…and with them. 

Before we’re too hard on that sign owner, let’s look at the signs of our creativity. Based on your art, do people know more what you’re passionately for…or against? There may be no sign in your yard, but what are the themes and imagery that dominate your creativity?  

Rather than focus on what you passionately oppose, shift your focus to what you passionately love. Let your art be invitation rather than offense. Offer a better solution rather than a bitter stalemate. Create stories and songs and venues that bring us together rather than tear us apart. Align with the Creator rather than chaos in your creation.  

It’s always a good idea to begin with the core ingredients of faith, hope, and love. 

Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13. NLT) 

Then let your art be a sign for what you can’t quit thinking about!

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