Not Enough Time

You can do a lot. But you can’t do it all.

The world dangles endless choices before us. We’re encouraged to do more, say more, try more, and achieve more. Good grief, the posters at my gym proclaim: “You Can Do It All.” It plays to the illusion that we really can do it all and have it all if we just somehow learn to balance everything in our lives perfectly (or maybe join the right health club).

“You Can Do It All.”

Except. . . you can’t. It’s not only impossible. It’s cruel to even hold that out as the ideal.

You can put your family life above work. Or you can give your job top priority. You can overcommit and give many things a small piece of yourself. Or you can choose a life of simplicity. You can master a skill through patient dedication. Or you can let social media consume your day. But you can’t experience full presence and equal success in all the options I just listed, much less everything else in your life.

So what's the answer when it feels like there's not enough time in any given day to do what needs to be done? First, recognize that the focus of the prior sentence is all on doing. And yes, while things need to get done, remember being always comes before doing.

And this sense of “not enough time”? Do you really think the Creator of time won’t give you time for what he’s stirred you to do? Sure, it may look different than you imagined it would. But you can’t be running behind when you are running with God. When you find the Creator of time, you find time.

You can’t do it all. But you do have enough time to do what matters. If you pursue it with God.

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