The Pull to Instant Answers

Where is the pull for instant answers most enticing in your life?

A self-described “AI Gardener and Designer“ featured a banner on social media that proclaimed, “AI will not replace humans. But humans with AI will replace humans without AI.” In other words, there is a battle. And the winners will be those who fully embrace AI. It is positioned as humanity’s savior—or at least one’s best hope for survival.

Even before our brains are rewired, our screens serve as our constant source of entertainment, distraction, indoctrination, and, most sad, our security blanket. It’s almost as if we’re becoming less human the more we worship at the altar of the screen.

At the same time, we’re in awe of how AI and ChatGPT sound so human. Which begs the question: What do humans, especially the more addicted we become to the unreal, even sound like anymore? It may be more accurate to say we are starting to sound more artificial the more time we spend with the artificial.

As Eugene Peterson observes in his book A Burning in My Bones, “We become like that which we behold.”
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Choosing the Matrix


The Artificial Isn’t Real