Choosing the Matrix

Next time you’re at a restaurant, lift your eyes from your own phone for a second and look around. Practically everyone—whether with a family, on a date, or with friends— is staring at their screen. Even when people are together, they find what’s on the screen more fascinating than who’s sitting across from them.

And it isn’t just in restaurants. It’s at business meetings, on planes, and in parks. It’s even in cars...with drivers using every red light as an excuse to send a text or look at a video. It’s as if we can’t leave the matrix for even a second. Worse, we now prefer the matrix to reality.

Rumor has it that a friend of a friend, while driving his RV cross-country, watches movies on his phone. When did driving a massive vehicle at 75 miles an hour no longer provide ample incentive to stay focused on the road…and reality?

And when did we start believing what happens on our screens is more entertaining, relevant, and important than the actual events and people in our lives?

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Woefully n(AI)ve


The Pull to Instant Answers