Scarcity and Striving

As we saw in the last reading, the Orphan Realm isn’t a place you want to find yourself. Unfortunately, those there often don’t realize it. 

So rather than ask if you’re living in the Orphan Realm, I’ve found it more helpful to describe the symptoms of the residents there and let you decide.

Outwardly, those in this realm appear to have it all together. But inwardly, they are weary. Fear and worry keep them running in a frenzy, even when they aren’t sure where they’re headed. 

Striving and control are necessary survival tactics. When resources are scarce, someone has to win and someone has to lose. One person’s victory is hard to celebrate when it is interpreted as your loss. So those there try to control the details and people around them. Not only does this not work, it is exhausting. Which increases the sense of being overwhelmed, alone, disheartened, and diminished. 

The dreams of those in this realm are constantly under attack. Some are told they don’t yet have enough experience to pursue their ideas. They are too young or haven’t paid their dues yet. Ironically, others are told they are too old and that their time has passed. In either case, the message is the same. Time isn’t on your side. You don’t have enough of it...or you’re running out of it.

Thankfully, you have a choice of which realm to live in. In our next reading, I’ll introduce you to a much better option…the Freedom Realm.

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


The Freedom Realm


The Orphan Realm