The Desert You’re Stuck In

It begins with a few grains of doubt. Yet the sand quickly multiplies the more we give in to our anxieties and try to solve life’s problems in our own strength. And the enemy does everything in his power to initiate and amplify the very things that got us trapped in the first place. 

If we don’t address the issues that gave birth to the fears, resentment, greed, lust, shame, envy, and, well, the list is long—then one day we look up and find that what was once a sandbox is now the Sahara desert. 

Everyone’s desert is custom-made. Your desert is made up of the things that derail or defeat you. 

What is the dry and dusty place you’re stuck in? Think of where you go when you feel lost, parched, and isolated. There’s the Desert of Regret. Or perhaps the Desert of Striving, which begins with the subtle agreement that life is up to you. Maybe it’s the Desert of the Overwhelmed, where there never seems to be enough time and you live from a place of scarcity. There are as many deserts as there are people. Some of us have multiple deserts. 

The first step is to know and to name your desert(s). The next step is to realize you can’t set yourself free. It is in this stripped away place that our identity either disintegrates or is forged anew. 

Yes, it’s hard to recognize the possibility for rescue when the enemy has you in quicksand and you’re sinking fast. But it’s also impossible to experience a miracle until you reach the end of yourself and are completely dependent on God.

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


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