The Art of Being More

God’s motive in giving you specific talents isn’t primarily so you’ll be productive. Here’s your gift. Now get busy making things happen. It is so your desires can find their fulfillment in him. Productivity and efficiency aren’t what he’s most interested in. They measure the external performance but never the internal rhythm of your heart. God doesn’t need your help as much as he wants your heart. Whenever you start to focus more on your talents and gifts than on him, you miss the main invitation. Which is to pursue them together. With him. 

God’s offer is primarily relational and internal. How to be more rather than simply do more. 

Imagine stepping into your job, home, or classroom today alert to his presence. Watching what he is up to. Following his lead. Leaning into God for what seems impossible. Your heart will come alive. Not just because of what you are doing but because of who you are doing it with. 

You were never meant to pursue the things you love as a solo endeavor. Why would we try to create in isolation when God never did? The Creation account in Genesis makes it clear that all three members of the Trinity were intimately involved in the act of creation. Our gifts and talents increase in vision and impact when we pursue them in creative fellowship rather than in isolation.

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


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