Creativity Redefined

Have you ever considered that we are continuing to be created as we create? The God who made us shapes us as we pursue the gifts he gave us, bringing us from disorder to order.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV)

But what good is a new beginning if we are determined to stay the same? God didn’t make us new creations just for us to return to chaos. The goal here is to step fully into your creativity as a new creation, neither underestimating its power nor overestimating your readiness.

As you start to see yourself in new ways, it’s a good time to see creativity through a new lens.

Here’s my definition of creativity.

God-infused creativity is using our presence and our gifting to bring something new into existence in a way that changes people and the atmosphere for good.

Specifically, we bring beauty, life, and order where there was disorder and a void. If you think about it, that’s how God created “in the beginning.” Through his presence, or identity. And through his creativity.

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