Wave Riders in Uncharted Water

Whenever I grow impatient, or think I know best and forge ahead from my own strength, the results are never optimal. It initially may feel good. Hey, at least I’m doing something. But later, when things go wrong or my actions led to unexpected consequences, I begin to doubt if I made the right decision. 

But when I stay with him no matter what I face, it gives me an unshakeable peace about the decision. Because it was made with God . . . in his timing. That’s easier said than done. But he draws us into the deep to make us deeper. The shallow stunts our ability to learn to ride bigger waves. That’s why God continually calls his sons and daughters to graduate from the baby pool and be wave riders in uncharted water. The kind we can only navigate with him. 

When we’re in over our heads, the only possible way forward is to stay with God . . . actively waiting and expectant for the waves he will provide. 

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The Art of Being More


Stay With God