Speed Bumps, No Outlet

In this life, we encounter speed bumps and dead-ends. But only one is inevitable.  

On a back road I’d never traveled before, I came across two yellow warning signs. The first offered this alert: Speed Bumps. The second, not to be outdone, announced No Outlet

So I turned around. And as I did, it got me thinking about those two statements. Not just for the road ahead, but for life. On the surface, both warnings sounded negative. I’ve encountered my share of speed bumps and dead-ends. Neither are enjoyable. 

Jesus understands. He says in this life we will have speed bumps. Okay, he says we will have trouble. But you get the point. We will face hurdles, opposition, chaos, trouble. In other words, speed bumps. Some the size of mountains. 

But Jesus doesn’t tell us to accept dead-ends. In fact, God is the one who demolishes every perceived dead-end  that the enemy and this world place before us—whether it be the red sea, a lion’s mouth, or a fiery furnace. On the cross, Jesus defeated the ultimate dead-end for our sake…death itself. (Revelation 21:4) 

So he tells us to expect speed bumps, but not to worry because he’s overcome them all. But don’t give into the false dead-ends from the enemy and this world. While speed bumps are inevitable, dead-ends are avoidable every time…with God. 

“In this world you will have trouble, but be brave! I have defeated the world.” (John 16:33 NCV) 

Want More? Order your copy of Chaos Can’t here.


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