Road Trip with God

I have a big truck. My best memories in it are from years ago, when my son Chase was young.  

In that golden season, whenever I’d head to my truck, he was ready to join me. During one trip he made this casual comment: “I don’t care what we do as long as we do it together.”  

That’s it! He captured the essence of what doing life with God looks like. It’s the posture we need to take with God every moment of every day. Wherever he’s going, be all in. And you know what? For every trip, my son’s success ratio was 100 percent. Because no matter where we went or what we did, he achieved his desire. To be with his father.

Notice something else about this posture. Chase didn’t link success to what happened on the trip. There is such freedom in this. You’ll never again need to wait until an experience is over to determine if it’s a success. Had he based our trip’s success on whether we got home without a flat tire, or if he got an ice cream cone, or if I paid him to help me with a chore, well then, the reward was in something other than being together. But if the only goal is to be together, then that is guaranteed every time. I could surprise him and take him to his favorite store. Or a movie. And I often did. But even then, the bonus never was more important than the intimacy of being together. 

You don’t need more answers before you begin. You just need to be ready to ride. Your Father drives a really big truck and the passenger seat is open. There’s plenty of time to get to know each other. And to hear more of his story. If what you want above all else is to simply be with your Father.

This daily message in a bottle is a real-life version of the four vials featured in The Story of With, providing encouragement to pursue our creativity with God. Your financial support makes this crowd-funded initiative possible. Would you consider giving a donation today via PAYPAL (or by check to Allen Arnold at PO Box 62841, Colorado Springs, CO 80962)? Every bit helps!

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