Path of Least Resistance

My oldest son is an electrician. A really good one. He recently shared how electricity always takes the path of least resistance.

We resemble electricity in that way. So often, we seek the path of least resistance. We’re like a leaf passively floating down a current of water.

G.K. Chesterton, in The Everlasting Man, says: A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.

This inclination leaves us vulnerable. We are continually wooed into a world that demands allegiance to its hedonistic and godless ways—while making it appear impossible to resist. But resist we must.

Rather than be exhausted by that invitation, let it excite you. Let it awaken your heart. What we create with God is a spiritual act of defiance that actively moves against the ways of the world. It doesn’t seek the path of least resistance but swims opposite the current cultural downward flow.

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