Partificial Daze

 “Things are getting weird—and they’re getting weird fast.” – Elon Musk

We live in strange times. We prefer virtual reality to God’s reality. Rather than pursue the real, we look to the unreal to make us more real.

At the very time more is required, we have less capacity. We are partially present and fully disoriented by an artificial haze of anxiety, exhaustion, and addiction. The challenges are growing larger. But we feel smaller. Nothing creates much shock, awe, or even deep curiosity anymore. Nothing much fazes or amazes us anymore.

I coined a term to describe this amorphous phenomenon we find ourselves in: Partificial Daze.

For creatives, that’s a bad place to be. Because as the heart grows numb, the art follows.

The first step in breaking free from the matrix is becoming aware of it. In future readings, we’ll look at some of the causes for this infection—as well as the antidote.

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