Look Up, Look Down

Life isn’t as complicated as we tend to make it.

Yet the world has conditioned us to believe there are multiple ways to view every issue. Nuance is king. The more sophisticated we fancy ourselves, the more adept we are at seeing a grain of truth in any opinion.  Or the quicker we are to leave the so-called big topics to the self-professed experts to decide.

To walk with purpose and not lose heart in this world that grows more artificial by the day, we must continually orient ourselves to what’s real.

To do that, we must look up. And remember who God is.

And then we must look down. Everything, ultimately, either taps into the root system of the Tree of Life or the Tree of Knowledge. This is true for every business, educational system, church, political faction, or entertainment show. They each appear to be independent entities offering their own ideas. That’s an illusion. The roots of everything ultimately go back to one of these two trees. Everything is either rooted in life with God or rebellion against God.

Knowing this doesn’t make hard choices easy. But it does bring an immense amount of clarity to the story we find ourselves in. It’s actually pretty simple, no matter what the experts say.

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