No Limits

Our creativity is a fusion of our unique presence and gifting. This is a huge concept. Because it includes everyone and excludes no one except those who refuse to enter into their gifting with God.

Seamstresses, deal makers, bakers, mechanics, electricians, students, teachers, stay-at-home parents, nurses, florists, baristas, ballerinas, flight attendants, personal trainers, and every one of us are creative. Creativity includes every occupation or interest. Known or unknown. Invented or yet to come. It could be your job. It could be a hobby. It could just be a dream . . . for now. All of it comes under the umbrella of God-infused creativity fueled by our presence and gifting. 

Though your creative expression will be specific to you, there are no limits because God is limitless. Our “art” is how our gifting plays out. It’s the “new” that we bring into existence. 

The sons and daughters of God are artisans. We have the imagination of the Creator flowing in and through us (Jeremiah 33:3). Our time in God’s presence reshapes us, which in turn allows our creativity to reshape chaos. 

A teacher’s creativity brings understanding to complex topics. The way she teaches or shapes her students is the art. An architect is an expert at seeing a structure before it exists. The art is in making the structure a reality one brick or column at a time. A chef understands how various food and flavors come together. His art is the edible presentation on the plate. A coach is skilled at the knowledge of a particular sport. That is her gift. Her art is played out on the court based on how she shapes her team. 

Creativity is what we do. Our what.

Art is what we make. Our how.

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Creativity Redefined