
I think you’re incredibly creative.

Pause and notice your reaction to those words. I’m guessing it was something like, “Creative? I’m not creative.” Or, “You’ve got to be kidding. You don’t know me. My creativity isn’t valuable or worth fighting for. No one even notices it.” 

But why are many of us so quick to dismiss this significant aspect of our lives when chaos is so intentional at targeting it? Fair question. 

I want to help you uncover and maximize the unique gifts you have inside you. Yes . . . you. If you haven’t discovered this aspect of yourself yet, don’t assume it isn’t there. Though we often don’t see ourselves as creative, we all are. How could anyone not be? We’re all sons and daughters of the Creator. Our Father’s DNA courses through our veins.

Creativity isn’t limited to the few. The problem is that few invite the Creator into their creativity. 

So we’re going to do something about that. Right here and how, I want you to invite the Creator into your creativity. Don’t make it complicated. Don’t doubt it can happen. Don’t put it off.

Wherever you are, whether you speak these words aloud or whisper them within, I want you to say these words and believe them: 

“God, even when I don’t feel creative and the world tells me I’m not creative, I renounce those lies and release my doubts. I proclaim that I am yours and that I am creative…because I am your child and you are not just my Creator. You are the Creator of everything. From this moment on, help me pursue my gifting actively and intimately with you, expectant for how you will make my dreams a reality.”

That’s good. You may want to write those words near where you create…as a reminder of what’s true.

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