Immense Power - Intense Opposition

Don’t blame yourself for not feeling creative. The enemy works overtime to hide it from us, diminish it, and accuse us of having no talent. Don’t believe his lies anymore. You are creative.

The world has beaten up some of us to the point we fear the power of chaos more than believe in the power of God. Remember how wolves defeat their prey? We can become so intimidated by chaos that we get stuck. We listen to every news alert and worry about every turn of events. We end up spending more time with chaos than with God. The solution is to focus on the Father and what he is up to. 

Eyes on God, not the chaos. 

God doesn’t underestimate our gifting. He infused us with gifts customized for who we are. He knows our potential. The enemy doesn’t underestimate us either. He is well aware of the power that comes when we co-create with the Creator. And he fears it. 

In Wild at Heart,  John Eldredge says: 

Do you know why there’s been such an assault? The Enemy fears you. You are dangerous big-time. If you ever really got your heart back, lived from it with courage, you would be a huge problem to him. You would do a lot of damage . . . on the side of good. Remember how valiant and effective God has been in the history of the world? You are a stem of that victorious stalk. 

I hope you’re beginning to sense how God views your creativity. It is his interpretation we’re after. Our creativity carries immense power. That’s why it faces extreme opposition. There is an enemy set against your creativity, but that’s no reason to be hesitant. Chaos comes at us with intention. We must have an even greater intention to overcome it. 

Good intention alone, however, isn’t enough. In tomorrow’s reading, I’ll share how initiation is also required. 

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