How to Make Anything

In the book of Exodus, we’re given a glimpse into how God infuses people with creativity.

Moses wrote that God called Bezalel, who was of the tribe of Judah, by name and then filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and in all craftsmanship.

Let that sink in. God called him by name. He extended a personal invitation: “Hey, Bezalel. I have a big project for you. It will stretch your creativity in ways you can’t imagine.” The invitation was for something beyond him but not up to him. He was filled with the Spirit of God in wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and in all craftsmanship.

God gives him mission impossible and then makes it possible. It isn’t about Bezalel coming through while God watches with his arms crossed. It is the Creator inviting and empowered us to co-create with him.

God assigned Bezalel with the honor of being the chief architect and artisan of the tabernacle. His responsibilities included—but weren’t limited to—overseeing the creation of the Ark of the Covenant, the priestly garments, wood and stone carvings, metal work, and the holy oils. Beyond these skilled crafts, he was also to be a skilled teacher. God filled Bezalel and his students with his Spirit. Then they could “make anything and design anything.” (See Exodus 35:30-35, MSG) Not in their strength. Not due to their amazingness. It was only possible with God’s filling.

I hope this encourages you. God has called you by name. He’s infused you with a specific set of skills and gifts. And now he’s filling you with skill and ability to affect the atmosphere around you. The pressure is off to come through or be amazing.

Simply pursue what you love with God and ask him to fill you with his Spirit. Yes, learn your craft. Put in the hours. Do the work. But start from a foundation of intimacy and humility.

What God has given you to do is beyond you, for you, and never up to you. And that’s great news!

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