Grow By Listening

We want to be heard but have forgotten how to listen. 

We grow restless with silence so we seek distractions. We stare at our phones and miss each other's hearts. We lose interest in conversations that aren't about us. Our world grows small and we wonder why we're so lonely. 

A simple antidote—practice the art of talking less and listening more.  

It is best to listen much,
speak little,
and not become angry

(James 1:19 TLB)

When you talk, you can only offer what you already think. If you’re convinced you have all the answers and are the smartest person in the room, you leave little opportunity to learn, grow, or be surprised—from God or others. 

When you listen, you hear new ideas and see life afresh. Honor others by being fully present. Listen to their dreams, disappointments, and questions without having to challenge theirs or immediately share yours.  

You grow by listening. Your art follows.

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