Give Birth to the New

Being creative involves a certain level of restless discontent.

That's an appropriate feeling—because something needs to be born and you're the only who sees it before it has form. Until then, others won’t understand the very thing you can’t quit thinking about.  

You’re not going crazy. You’re creating something new. 

Giving birth to a new idea is beautiful, messy, and painful. It doesn't come on demand. Or with upfront guarantees based on your expectations.  

But rest in this. If God stirred the desire in you, he will see it through. And with his help, you will step into your destiny as long as (and this is key) you’re willing to relinquish all control over how long it takes, what it looks like, who gets the credit, and what it will cost.  

If you’re willing to accept those terms, then enter into your dreams with God. Go at his pace. Rushing through the creative process never gets you to the right finish line faster. Setting a pre-determined due date for when your idea will be done and when the idea is actually ready to be born aren't the same. With the first, you hit a deadline. With the second, you nurture the idea until it's fully ready to be born. It’s good to know the difference. 

Getting it done isn't the same as bringing an idea fully to life. The act of creation requires the artist to become good friends with patience, curiosity, humility, and sleepless nights long before the art arrives.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity Today!


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Everything isn’t Equal