Everything isn’t Equal

Everything isn’t equal.

We know that, yet we keep falling for the allure of a balanced life.

Like an over-confident plate spinner, we keep trying to balance more plates simultaneously. Doing so is exhausting—both for us and those around us. But as long as none fall and shatter, we keep adding plates.

Before long, the goal is just to keep them all spinning. The more we add, the busier and more complicated life becomes. And the more we begin to measure who we are by what we do. If we can somehow stay perfectly balanced and no turbulence hits, all will be well.

But turbulence will come. Important needs will be missed. And the plates will eventually come crashing down.

"Getting it all done" is never a realistic option. "Being fully present when it counts" is.

Remember, everything isn’t equal. The art of soul care involves regularly saying "no" to many things so you can say "yes" to the few people and projects that God’s given you.

Now’s a good time to set some of the plates down, before they crash. Then choose to live a wildly unbalanced life by being fully present to what matters most…and offering whatever remains to everything else.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity Today!


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