Generic Goals Don’t Get You There

What if everything we thought we knew about risk was wrong or only partial? What if the real problem was never risk itself—but our broken relationship with it and our go-to reaction to it? If so, the best path forward is to set aside our past assumptions and begin anew.

First, a few foundational thoughts to reorient us to risk.

Vague risk isn’t helpful. How will you even know if the mission was accomplished if you can’t put words to it? The goal isn’t to be a generic risk-taker but a person who risks well with God in specific, thoughtful ways. Next, never undertake foolish risk that’s rooted in bad theology or pressure from others. Doing so and then expecting God to rescue you from what he never wanted you to do could be dangerous and is always the wrong way to risk. Finally, realize that risk often doesn’t mean doing something that accelerates or changes your situation. Sometimes the appropriate risk is to slow down or stay put when the world says go faster. The only way to know is to ask God and then proceed as he leads.

It begins with a new understanding of what true risk requires. That’s why we’ll be exploring the Five Tenets of Risk over the next few weeks. I think you’ll find the insights incredibly powerful and the takeaways immensely practical.

In closing, I’d like to take a risk and ask for your help in keeping these readings flowing and free for everyone. Will you consider making a financial donation today for this crowd-funded kingdom initiative HERE. For all who can, I’m grateful. It matters more than you imagine.

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Risk is Normal & Necessary


Your Risk Footprint