Count On It

As you risk well for what matters most with God, you will face opposition. Count on it.

It will be opposed by the enemy, people who move against God, and those who simply prefer the illusion of a safe, controllable life. Which is what the artificial always promises.

But it doesn’t work. There’s a reason why the protagonist of every great novel and movie must step into seemingly impossible situations and risk it all. Because we must as well. Yet something in us pushes against that. We try to rewrite the script for a safe, small, controllable story where we receive the reward without the risk. But it won’t work. It isn’t how God designed life to work.

Consider the great heroes of the faith. If they hadn’t risked everything by following God against seemingly impossible odds, would we still tell their stories to our children at bedtime? Will anyone in future generations tell our stories to their kids at bedtime? Only if we choose to pursue the real, defy the artificial, and risk well for what matters most.

There’s no better way to live—no matter what alternatives this artificial world offers. Count on it.

One last thought. If today’s reading resonated, take a moment now to email or share it with a fellow creative, friend or family member who could use the encouragement.

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