Charge The Hill?

We live in a “get things done” world. Charge that hill now. Move that mountain today. Do it by whatever means necessary. Don’t slow down to ask God. Just get it done.  

But we’re not called to do things for God unless we’re first willing to do those things with God. At his pace. In his timing. For his glory. 

That’s because God has higher priorities. He places relationships over results. He values presence over productivity. Efficiency is rarely his chosen path for ushering in the eternal. Instead, he looks for those who are keeping their eyes on him. For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. (2 Chronicles 16:9 NIV) 

Start there. Spend time in the hidden places with God. Talk to him—in your car, on a walk, in the shower, at the gym. As you do, commit your heart fully to him. That intimacy is the foundation for all you can then do with God.

Order your copy of The Eden Option here.


There Are Always Possibilities


Just a Glimpse