All of Life is Spiritual

All of life is spiritual. But that’s not how we tend to see our days. 

Instead we view most of our waking hours as neutral moments filled with conversations and hobbies and bill paying and entertainment. Our normal world. And then there are the in-between moments where we spend a few minutes with God before getting back to everything and everyone else. 

That’s a faulty way to see reality.  

As I share in The Eden Option, everything is either Story 1 or Story 2. In Story 1, God is at the epicenter of everything. We walk with him throughout the day in all we do. In Story 2, we settle for a world in which God is largely off stage and we are at the center.  

We are meant to be Story 1 citizens and ambassadors. Through our creativity, we reveal glimpses of Story 1 that nudges others toward curiosity and receptivity. 

There’s no such thing as a neutral life or neutral art. Because all of life is spiritual.

Want more? Read the first section of my new book for free here! Order your copy of The Eden Option here.


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