Acceleration of the Weird

Our world is moving more virtual every day. We spend more time staring at screens than interacting with real people . . . or real life. Many reading this will even challenge what real means anymore. That’s how comfortable we’ve come to be with the artificial. It reflects our Partificial Daze.

Elon Musk recently summed up the capabilities and impact of this new breed of artificial intelligence: “Things are getting weird—and they’re getting weird fast.”

I saw an outdoor billboard for a restaurant last week with the headline “Get Your Meal Ordered by a Robot!” Um, no thanks.

Yet in this world of competing realities, nothing is more real than God. Which means the further we get from God, the shakier our foundation becomes.

Things are getting weird—and they’re getting weird fast.

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Greater Intimacy or Isolation?


Newer Isn’t Truer