ABC’s of Creativity: Creative Artisans

Throughout May, I’ll be sharing three ideas per reading on a specific aspect of our creativity. I call it the ABC’s of Creativity because I focus on topics that begin with an A, B, or C. If this leaves you hungry for more, my book Waves of Creativity provides an “A to Z” gathering of ideas on creating with God. 

Three thoughts on Creative Artisans… 

You. Are. Creative. How could it be otherwise? Your bloodline traces back far beyond your parents. The DNA of the Creator pulses through you. The One who created sunsets, oceans, and stars made you to create as well. The invitation is to do it together.  

The art of living well precedes the art of creating well. How could anyone’s creativity not suffer a catastrophic loss when it is untethered from the Creator?  

Being called by God to create and feeling ready to create are two totally different things. You will never feel nor be completely ready. But you can always take the next step as God reveals it.

Want More? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity


ABC’s of Creativity: Creator


ABC’s of Creativity: Creation