ABC’s of Creativity: Competition

Throughout May, I’ll be sharing three ideas per reading on a specific aspect of our creativity. I call it the ABC’s of Creativity because I focus on topics that begin with an A, B, or C. If this leaves you hungry for more, my book Waves of Creativity provides an “A to Z” gathering of ideas on creating with God. 

Three thoughts on Competition… 

Creativity is not a competitive sport. Period.  

You aren’t competing with other artists, so stop measuring yourself by what they create. Their work is based on their journey; your ideas come from your journey. Pursue your passion with fierce intentionality by focusing on what’s in front of you, not who is beside you.  

Another person’s victory is hard to celebrate when it is interpreted as your loss. It’s a scarcity mindset based in fear. Your opinion on someone else’s creativity matters far less than what you actually bring to life. The antidote? Spend less time competing and more time creating.

Want More? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity



ABC’s of Creativity: Control 101


ABC’s of Creativity: Comparison