ABC’s of Creativity: Comparison

Throughout May, I’ll be sharing three ideas per reading on a specific aspect of our creativity. I call it the ABC’s of Creativity because I focus on topics that begin with an A, B, or C. If this leaves you hungry for more, my book Waves of Creativity provides an “A to Z” gathering of ideas on creating with God. 

Three thoughts on Comparison… 

Our culture is all about comparison, conformity, and control. Don’t let that influence your art. Focus on this: Are you running the race you were born to run—even if there’s no level path, no cheering crowd, no upfront interest, and no clear end point? If not, you’ll eventually burn out, because you’re stuck on someone else’ treadmill rather than God’s design for your life.  

Comparing is toxic because it either ends up deflating your heart (mine isn’t as good) or inflating your ego (mine is best). In the end, it forces all art to resemble what already is. Which is the exact opposite of how God creates. His ideas are original and birthed in freedom!  

When we compare ourselves to others, the outcome tends to be conformity or defiance. Conformity values being like the crowd. Defiance pushes against the norm. Both options fall short because they begin with what other people are doing. The antidote is to turn our eyes to God. Are we conforming into his image more each day regardless of what others are choosing? 

Want More? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity


ABC’s of Creativity: Competition


ABC’s of Creativity: Comfort