A Paintbrush to Stop a Hurricane

In the face of such massive havoc, our talents may seem inconsequential. A nice gesture but far too little. Like holding up a paintbrush to ward off an oncoming hurricane.

But when millions enter into their God-given creativity in their realms of authority and boldly use it for good, chaos trembles.

Imagine how Joshua and his warriors must have felt when God told them his strategy for defeating Jericho. Allow me to paraphrase the story from Joshua 6.

“Okay, here’s our strategy. We’re going to circle the impenetrable gate around the entire city. Armed men will lead the procession. But we won’t be using those weapons. They’ll be followed by seven priests blowing trumpets made from ram’s horns. Keep your eyes on these guys. Behind them, more priests will carry the Ark of the Covenant, followed by more guards.”

A warrior raises his hand. “Um, what happens then?” 

“Nothing. And we’ll do exactly the same for five more days. And nothing will happen those days either. But on the seventh day we’ll all march around the city not once but six times. And on the seventh pass, the priests will give one long, loud trumpet blast and everyone will shout. Then the walls will come down. Any questions?” 

That sure doesn’t sound like a winning military strategy. Or a very intimidating show of power against a massively armed, walled, and legendary city. Yet, God used trumpet-playing priests to usher in the crumbling walls. It was a wild, miraculous victory. 

I’m sure no one was more astonished than they were. 

I feel a bit like I’m holding one of those trumpets now as I share this message with you. Or maybe a paintbrush in the face of massive chaos. I know the invitation feels so counterintuitive. 

Yet it’s true. Our creativity—our writings, teaching, singing, sculpting, business skills—plays a major role in God’s plans to defeat the chaos around us. 

Want more? Order your copy of Chaos Can't today!


Life Won’t Calm Down


Go at God’s Pace