Go at God’s Pace

Before inviting you into something larger, God wants to initiate you. 

Because, let’s face it: as talented as you are, you’ve been slammed pretty hard by chaos. Or perhaps you’re weary from trying to do everything in your own strength. What you need for this part of the journey is an extra dose of patience and humility. Be open to learning a new way to pursue what you love to do. Be willing to be the student rather than the expert. Don’t assume you already know your role in the story that hasn’t been told yet. 

Our goal isn’t to go fast or to go slow, but to go at God’s pace. It’s good to remember that God is always on time but never in a hurry. 

Gaining wisdom and training for our specific gifting is essential. We must learn how and where to wield our weapons to fight for beauty, light, and order. The hour is growing late. The interests we’ve been given aren’t simply for our own enjoyment or profit. It’s not a time to amuse ourselves by endlessly throwing paint against the wall to see what sticks. 

Our creativity isn’t just for—or about—us. Not in such a time as this. 

Want more? Order your copy of Chaos Can't today!


A Paintbrush to Stop a Hurricane


Fight Bravely & Die Quickly