Life Won’t Calm Down

From the beginning, the enemy has tried to use chaos against the Creator and creation. Today, he also opposes us and our creativity.

I’m convinced chaos is fueled by the enemy’s intense hatred for all who are trying to bring life and light into the world. 

If you have recently been tempted to walk away from your gifting or put it on hold until things calm down— don’t. 

Who you are and your unique talents are bringing much needed warmth and light into a world that grows colder and darker by the day. 

Never forget this. Chaos is coming against your creativity because it knows that creativity can effectively come against it. In other words, it is making a preemptive strike. In yesterday’s reading, I shared the story of Joshua and the situation at Jericho (click here). Imagine what might have happened in that story if the enemy had created enough doubt to silence the priest’s trumpets before their seventh day victory march. 

That’s the goal of chaos. To take us out before we can take it out. Making you more chaotic is the enemy’s advance attack to decrease the odds of you ever stepping into all God intends for your life. Don’t fall for it.

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Invitation to Exploration


A Paintbrush to Stop a Hurricane