The Powerful…Aren’t
When the powerful seek to silence those they serve, it reveals a toxic arrogance.
Why the Enemy Fears Creativity
If your creativity feels opposed, it's helpful to remember the enemy has opposed the Creator and creation since time began.
What Dictators Fear
Dictators are never creative. They fear any kind of freedom because it could lessen their power.
Indoctrination Isn’t Art
True creativity requires a free imagination—one where stories, songs, and art can reflect God’s view of reality rather than personal propaganda.
An Independent Imagination
An essential aspect of creativity is the ability to think independently.
Your Continual “Yes”
Is it hard to say "no" when people ask for your insights and time…even when your life is at full capacity?
What’s In Your Cosmic Blender?
You have a unique voice. I’m not simply talking about the vibrational sound that comes out when you talk. But how your words and presence impacts those around you. It’s essential you understand the power of it.
Re-Shape Me, God
In a world where we can customize anything, we often try to do the same with God.
Tools and Rules
The right tools make things easier, whether building a deck or bringing dreams to life.
First Chapters vs Finishing Well
There are a lot of strong first chapters that start well. That’s good.