You Now…20 Years Younger

Imagine an invention that could make you twenty years younger in the blink of an eye…yet you’d still retain all you’ve learned in the past two decades.  

If that happened, how different would you be other than your age?  

The answer depends on how much transformation you’re seeking. If none, you’ll be the same you as before…just younger. Still chasing the wrong things. Still making the same mistakes.  

That’s a sobering thought. 

While the concept is imaginary, the revelation it offers isn’t. If we don’t seek God’s healing in our broken places, then we will stay stuck in our brokenness—whether that plays out as overly driven, painfully passive, self-absorbed, shame-filled, addicted, angry, or controlling.  

Our only hope is to pursue an examined life with God. To see ourselves as he does…and to take our healing seriously. Jesus defined his mission by saying he came to heal our broken hearts and set us free (Isaiah 61:1). The choice is ours—to accept his offer or grow ever older yet never wiser.

Order your copy of Waves of Creativity here.


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