Begin the Work 

When God invites us to do something with him, it’s good to clarify the timing. If he says now, then our next step is clear. Begin the work. 

But is it really that simple…especially for big projects?

To answer that, let’s look at one of the biggest projects ever—the building of the Temple in Jerusalem. You can read the full story in 1 Chronicles 22 but here’s the summary.

David longed to build the Temple, but God wanted a man of peace rather than war so chose David’s son Solomon. David, with limited vision, saw his son as young and inexperienced (vs. 5). But God saw things differently. He would personally father Solomon through the project, declaring “He will be my son, and I will be his father (vs. 10).

Don’t miss that neither David nor Solomon had to beg God for his presence or help. God offered it first and freely.

And he’ll do the same for you if you seek him with all your heart and soul (vs.11-12, 19). This alone empowers you to be strong and courageous rather than lose heart or be afraid (vs. 13). Not because of your power or might. But because the LORD your God is with you.” (vs. 18) 

Your current project may seem beyond your capabilities. That’s okay. It’s not beyond God. And it was never really up to you anyway. Remember, he is your Father and he is with you. And begin. 

Now begin the work, and may the Lord be with you!” (1 Chronicles 22:16 NLT)

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