What’s Your 11:11?

Our first glimpse of God in Genesis is as Creator. From nothing, he spoke oceans, mountains, forests, whales, hummingbirds, and humans into existence. He isn’t just the most creative being ever. He created creativity. 

So is it really a surprise that God chooses to speak to us in the most creative ways imaginable? Certainly through Scripture. That’s our foundation. But also with his words. Scripture itself is filled with examples of God personally speaking with his sons and daughters. In Exodus 33:11, we’re told: The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. (NIV) The rest of that chapter features a robust conversation between the two of them. 

Our Creator isn’t distant. He’s personal. One of my favorite ways to experience God’s constant daily presence is through playful yet powerful reminders of his love for me. How he does that is unique for each person. With me, it involves the number 1. For the past 11 years, God has placed this number before me daily as a reminder that he’s making all things new. I see it on license plates, restaurant tabs, and street addresses—but mostly he draws my eyes to the clock at 1:11 and 11:11. And for that minute, I pause to thank God for making all things new in my heart, my family, my creativity, and this broken world. 

If you’ve never experienced the joy of this, ask God. For some, it will be hummingbirds, flowers, sunrises, a phrase, a song, or a color. God has limitless ways to speak to our heart. So what’s your 11:11?

Want More? Order your copy of The Story of With here.


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