What is Unseen

One of an artist’s greatest fears is that their creations will go unseen.

I understand. We can spend countless hours bringing something to life. It’s costly in terms of time and money. I’ve spoken to thousands of creatives about this very topic over the years (see The Drawer). Yet while it can be a real fear, it isn’t the reality that we want to embrace.

We have to learn to see life, including our gifting, in the ways God says is most true.

God’s Kingdom and the ways of this world couldn’t be more different. In God’s economy, what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal. Paul puts it this way: We set our eyes not on what we see but on what we cannot see. What we see will last only a short time, but what we cannot see will last forever. (2 Corinthians 4:18 NCV) 

When it comes to your creativity, what are you setting your eyes on? Is it what the world says matters most? Is it on a system based on scarcity, immediacy, and popularity? Those things will only last for a short time. God’s Kingdom isn’t built on scarcity, immediacy or popularity.

Imagine how your creativity could change if it reflected aspects of God’s unseen realm? The parables of Jesus did that. Perhaps rather than worry that no one will see our art, we should focus on seeing what no one else sees…and, from that place, creating what will last forever.

This reading was crafted to encourage your pursuit of story and creativity with God. Your donation makes this crowd-funded initiative possible. You can support it via PAYPAL (or by check to Allen Arnold at PO Box 62841, Colorado Springs, CO 80962).

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