To-Do List Limitations

A to-do list may help to prioritize all that must be done today. But it’s not the best way to measure the success of the day. Getting more done isn’t the same as doing what matters most. Volume doesn’t reflect quality. 

The biggest shortfalls of the to-do list? It doesn’t leave space for God to redirect our priorities.  

Yes, there’s much to be done. And it feels like it’s all up to us to make it happen. But when we leave no space for God to show up, it’s a sign we’re measuring time based on our clock rather than his. 

Why not try a different approach? One that won’t leave you exhausted at the end of the day. 

Take a blank sheet of paper and give God permission to re-create the rhythm of your day. After all, he knows what’s most important and what’s unnecessary. He may invite you to focus on a person rather than a project. Or prioritize heart work over homework. Or to start what you’ve put off. 

The goal is neither greater efficiency nor doing less. It’s to be more fully present to God’s presence as you follow his lead. Let your list reflect that!

Want more? Order your copy of The Story of With today!


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