The Search for Home

Have you noticed how in almost every great story, the protagonist is on a search for home? These stories resonate on such a deep level because we too are looking for home.

The original Eden home was created by God and filled with his presence. He walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. He was a loving Father who was available and involved with every aspect of their lives.

But when Adam and Eve chose the Tree of Knowledge over the Tree of Life, intimacy was traded for independence. As C. S. Lewis stated in a lecture he gave on Milton’s classic work on the fall: “Paradise Lost records a real, irreversible, unrepeatable process . . . the great change in every individual soul from happy dependence to miserable self-assertion . . .” (Preface to Paradise Lost, 1942 edition).

Adam and Eve were interested in what the Tree of Knowledge could do for them, not for how it would help them more fully know God or each other. Rather than lead to a better home, they found themselves with less of everything that really mattered. They were home-less.

Want more? Read the first section of The Eden Option for free here. Or order here.


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