The Sage For Your Journey

One of the first casualties when things get chaotic is our creativity. It’s hard to justify the time to create something meaningful in the best of times—but exponentially harder  in an atmosphere of fear and panic. In such moments, it can feel self-indulgent or simply irrelevant.

But that’s not true. One of the greatest ways we can experience intimacy with God is by co-creating with him. The enemy lost the ability to create when he rebelled against God. Now, he tries to de-create creation—and discourage us from creating with God.

As chaos increases in the world, I have to be careful not to lose heart. I have to reject the enemy’s voice that says, “Why spend time writing when the world is unraveling? No one has time to read. This is just a waste of your time.”

That’s just one way chaos tries to numb us to our true calling.

We have to reject that lie. God infused us with creativity as an antidote to the chaos around us. Through our art, we fight disorder and hopelessness through words and works that shimmer with beauty, life, and order.

This is so important. But it won’t be easy. It will be opposed by the culture, the enemy, and our own fears and doubts. Taking the first step will feel like going against a mighty current that is pulling us under. And that’s okay.

The best adventures are the ones where we don’t have upfront guarantees or all the answers. Which is why a sage is needed. In every epic movie, the hero would be toast without a sage. The same is true for us.

And the ultimate sage is God—our Father and Creator. So take a moment and ask him what his plans are for your creativity. Not in five years. But right now, in the storms that surround us. What is it that he’s given you, like Esther, to say in such a time as this? Whatever it is, pursue that with him. You’ll be amazed at how the best creativity can happen in the worst chaos—and change the atmosphere around you in the most unexpected ways.

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