The Right Time

Somewhere deep within us, we believe there’s not enough time for our hopes and dreams to be fully realized. That’s not true. 

Yes, it’s a fact that we can’t do it all. We each only have 24 hours a day—and we’re asleep roughly a third of that time. But doing it all isn’t the same as doing a few things really well.  

Instead of asking God for more time, ask him when the right time is to pursue it. Perhaps it’s now. Or maybe this isn’t the right season. You might need to grow or trust more before you try to create more.  

Wonder with God about when the right time is rather than if there’s enough time. The Creator of time will provide enough time for what he's stirred you to do. 

The question isn’t if there’s time for the right project. It’s simply when the right time is to enter into it with God.

Want More? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity here.


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