The Enemy of Our Creativity

We have an enemy of our creativity—and it isn’t the usual suspects of either too many distractions or too little time.  

I’m talking about a literal enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). When Lucifer made the choice to move against God, he didn’t just become the enemy of the Creator, he became the enemy of creation. He lost all intimacy and fellowship with God. And, because he lost his connection to the Creator, I believe he also lost his ability to create. How could anyone’s creativity not suffer a catastrophic loss when it comes totally untethered from the Creator?  

The enemy hates that we experience intimacy with God as we co-create together. Whatever he is trying to take from you, know this. A skilled thief never sets out to steal something of no value.  

So don’t be surprised that your creativity is opposed. Anything with an eternal spark will come under attack in this fallen world. Don’t let this cause you to lose heart or grow fearful. Instead, stay calm and remember the true source of your opposition. Then lean into God, resist the enemy, and watch evil run the other direction. 

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7 NKJV)

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The Right Time

