The Origin of Creativity

Have you spent much time considering the origin of creativity?

I’m not talking about creativity as defined by humans or institutions. Creativity isn’t determined by a degree or reserved for the elite to bestow as they please. You don’t need to win an award to prove you’re creative.

Humans aren’t the original creators or the official gatekeepers of creativity. God is. So let’s pursue creativity from God’s perspective to know him as Creator as we co-create with him. Where does he give us our first glimpse of creativity? From the very moment we are introduced to him. Genesis begins with God creating. It’s the first sentence of Scripture. The opening story we enter into is somewhat mind blowing.

God is the Creator. And as Creator, he created creativity. Which then led to us being created and able to know him as Creator as we co-create with him. I know. My brain hurts…but in a good way!

Given that the first sentence of the first book of the Bible begins with God introducing himself as Creator, do you see how creativity has a deeper, more foundational role in our lives and our world than most dare to imagine?

I find it immensely encouraging. Our creativity originates from God, not from a degree or an industry. That means the world didn’t give us our creativity—nor does it have the right to limit or define it.

If you have questions about your creativity, bring them to God. As the one who bestowed you with your unique talents, he also has the truest understanding of why…and of what’s possible.

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Jesus as Creator


The Top Creative Genius