The Mysterious Point of Union

One of my good friends is a sage that reminds me of a modern day Gandalf.

He recently sent me this text: “When I laid down my career, I wondered what best to do with the gift of time I was now to receive. I was deftly guided to John 15, the branch/vine picture. The strongest Trinitarian nudge for me was the warning at the end of  verse 5: ‘…for apart from me you can do nothing.’ The starkness, the finality of ‘nothing’ deeply hooked my attention and thus started a finer focus on—and pursuit of—union with Christ. On a walk, I was led to cut this section of vine/branch (see photo). For weeks, I visually meditated on the mysterious point of union where the separateness of the vine and the branch disappear and become indistinguishable. I painted that intersection gold to further highlight this physical representation of the call to union and intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Much has transpired in my interior since then…all by Him, not by me.”

I was stunned. The visual of the shimmering gold where the vine and the branch become one left me undone and in awe of what this Scripture reveals.

God nudged me to share it with you as well.

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit…” (John 15:5 NLT)

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