Stay – A Dog Story

During my last year in college, I decided to get a dog. That moment led to sixteen years of joy. 

The song playing on the radio during our ride home was Brandy (a 1972 classic from Looking Glass). That’s how she got her name. 

Brandy became my constant companion through college, my early advertising and publishing days in Dallas, and eventually my marriage and the birth of our first two children.  

In her later years, Brandy lost her hearing but still somehow could sense when I was on my way home from work. She’d rise and wait expectantly at the window until my car pulled into the driveway.  

Once she became completely deaf, I initially wrestled with how to communicate with her. Until God gently reminded me that words weren’t necessary.

After her passing in 2003, I created a short story filled with few words and simple art. It celebrates the unbreakable bond between us and our dogs. The illustrations were hand-drawn by my good friend Scott.  

The book isn't available for purchase...but I’m able to share it here at no cost thanks to the generous donations that fuel this crowd-funded mission of God, Story, and Creativity. If the story touches your heart and if you’re receiving value from the free daily readings, I encourage you to help pay it forward by making a non tax deductible financial gift now. You can do so via PayPal or by mailing a check to: Allen Arnold, P.O. Box 62841, Colorado Springs, CO, 80962. 

Experience the free digital edition of Stay here!


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