Something to Say

Sometimes we’re so determined to create, we forget to ask if we have anything worth saying. 

Author Dallas Willard offers this helpful advice: "The Lord told me early in my ministry: Don't focus on having somewhere to teach. Focus on having something to say."  

The problem is…that’s not how the world works. The business model of content companies requires the constant flow of new material and information. Ever notice how news programs always have just the right amount of nightly news to fill their shows…no matter how long the show or what happened that day? Or take publishing, which I was a part of for twenty years. Authors with one idea from God sign a contract for multiple books. But God isn’t committed to provide us with future ideas because of what we commit contractually. As an author, I never assume I will write another book. I only move forward at God’s invitation and in his timing. 

Pastor and author Bill Johnson sums it up beautifully, "I would rather have nothing to say and be current in my fellowship with God than to have lots to say and be trying to find God. That's the main thing for me. I make sure that I am current...and my relationship is fresh." 

The goal is never to create in our own strength or to try and annualize inspiration. The invitation is to spend time with the Creator and create as he gives us something to say. Everything else is just dust in the wind.

Order your copy of The Story of With here.


I Don’t Have Time


Stay – A Dog Story