Rise of the Artificial

The enemy has always rebelled against God and his created reality. Which is why he specializes in artificial reality. I’m not simply referring to AI here but a counterfeit narrative for every part of our lives.

The word “artifice” means a crafty or subtle deception. To mimic something is to try and be like it. The enemy tries to mimic God yet he remains just a corrupt artifice of the real. However shiny or crafty his offerings, they are always a toxic imitation of God’s original design.

We’re now seeing the rise of the artificial accelerate into dangerous new terrain.

ChatGPT can master your voice and mimic you after only having access to a few recorded words. Wearable AI is a small device pinned to your shirt that is with you all day, listening to every conversation. It learns you. When you ask it questions, you hold out your hand and it projects words or information in glowing text onto your palm. Many have observed that newer iterations of the Machine are becoming more creature-like. That’s not particularly comforting. Especially because we always begin to resemble what we spend the most time with.

The fewer categories you have for the artificial, the more access points you give to the enemy. That’s why we’ll be exploring how to limit the artificial in your life and your art this month.

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