Riding a Hungry Tiger

Here’s an interesting question. What does chaos create?

Answer: nothing. Chaos can’t.

It can’t fill you. It is vast emptiness looking to consume you. It can’t produce love. It is saturated with fear. It can’t exhibit grace or kindness. Its essence is violent and abrasive. It can’t lead to abundance. Destruction leads to greater scarcity. It can’t birth new things. It seeks to end things.

Don’t look to chaos to cure anything. It is the biggest cancer of all. It is a destructive force. It desecrates creation. It doesn’t integrate. It dis-integrates. Disorder never leads to order. Scarcity never leads to abundance. Hate never leads to love.

What follows in the wake of chaos? Almost always, what comes next is an attempt to seize control by the very ones who actively caused—or passively allowed— the chaos to occur. But control never leads to freedom.

Those who think they can use chaos to their personal benefit are wrong. Too late, they discover they were never the master of chaos. They tried to build their throne on a hurricane of instability, lay their foundation in an earthquake. It never works.

The chaos they seek to master will master them. The destruction they try to control will destroy them. Those who thought they could use it will find themselves used and abandoned. Scripture and the ash heap of history bear this out.

It’s like riding on the back of a tiger, thinking it is your pet. When actually, you are its lunch.

Want more? Order your copy of Chaos Can’t today!


Love or Fear


Rushing Wind, Consuming Fire